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  Max Payne

    Стартуйте игру с параметром "-developer". После чего в игре нажмите F12 для вызова консоли и вводите:

God - режим "бога"
Mortal - стать смертным
ShowFPS - показать FPS
NoClip - Полет
NoClip_off - отключить полет
GetAllWeapons - все оружие
GetInfiniteAmmo - бесконечные патроны
GetBaseballbat - бейсбольная бита
GetBeretta - Беретта
GetBerettaDual (or GetDualBeretta) - Две беретты
GetDesertEagle - Desert Eagle (пистолет)
GetSawedShotgun - Shotgun #1
GetPumpShotgun - Shotgun #2
GetJackhammer - Jackhammer shotgun
GetIngram - Ingram
GetIngramDual (or GetDualIngram) - Dual Ingrams
GetMP5 - MP5
GetColtCommando - Кольт
GetMolotov - Молотов
GetGrenade - Гранаты
GetM79 - M79
GetSniper - Снайперская винтовка
GetHealth - Здоровье
GetPainkillers - Обезболивающее
GetBulletTime - 'Bullet Time'

Life After Death:
After you die, use the console and put yourself in god mode. Max will then come back to life and you can move him around and shoot while a semi stationary camera follows the action. It's kind of hard to see where Max is going because of the camera but it's kind of a neat trick.

Tutorial Easter Egg:
In the Tutorial, jump on top of the van with the sniper rifle inside, then jump on the ventilation thingy next to the fire escape, then jump on the fire escape. Climb up to the top and shoot the windows and walk through. A message says, "Congratulations, you have discovered a secret room!" There is an Ingram, some Ingram ammo, and 5 molotov cocktails.

Pump Action Shotgun:
You can get a pump-action shotgun right in Max's house at the very beginning. The shotgun is hidden in his house, on the opposite wall of the phone, in a shutter closet, much like the one that you see right when you get in the house near the door. Open the one farther away from the adjacent room, and you will get a pump-action shotgun with 5 rounds.

Unlimited Bullet Time:
Assign shootdodge under controls in the options menu to keypad 1. During the game, you can hit this key to slow the action down any time you want. Repeatedly press it and it will slow things down even further to the point of pausing the action. Pressing keypad 7, will speed the action back up. There is no time limit for how long the action is slowed down.

Alternate egos
By pressing Keypad 9 or 3 you can change the character Max plays during the game. Be aware that some weapons may not be available to you during the time you are using these alternate characters.

Level Warp:
By pressing keypad 0, you can warp to different areas of the level, or "chapter," and at the same time you could be standing right in front of enemies and they will not even notice you.

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